Tag: naimat

  • Naimat – Will Bilal Be Able To Win The Fight Against His Disease?

    Naimat – Will Bilal Be Able To Win The Fight Against His Disease?

    Another excellent episode of Naimat aired last night, the fact that Bilal stole the diamond pendant really bothers Baber, but don’t you think that partially it’s his own fault? The negligence towards his own son probably lead to this awful turn of events. Baber however saves his son by showing his stealthy skills, he places…

  • Naimat – Is Sara Neglecting Bilal?

    Naimat – Is Sara Neglecting Bilal?

    Zara and Baber’s relationship is at stake solely because of Bilal, the two constantly bicker but what can Baber do? His love for his son is everlasting and being a good father, he has proved that he has to be right next to his son under any circumstances. Will Bilal be the cause of a…

  • Naimat – What Does The Future Hold For Bilal?

    Naimat – What Does The Future Hold For Bilal?

    Taking a stand for your mother is precisely what every child would do no matter what the situation be. Bilal has proved to be an amazing son – standing like a shield for his mother, protecting her from his self centered father. There’s no doubt that Baber loves Bilal as much as Sara does, but…

  • Naimat – Will Sara Lose Bilal?

    Naimat – Will Sara Lose Bilal?

    The burden of crisis is only getting heavier for Sara as she faces new challenges that come her way, from the cheating husband to ailing son – her life just doesn’t get any better. Another news flash in Naimat was when Sara’s mother in law actually considers that it’s about time she gets married and…

  • Naimat – Will Baber Divorce Sara?

    Naimat – Will Baber Divorce Sara?

    The life of a married couple is all about love, compromise and a promise to stay happy together. But when reality strikes things tend to get out of your hand. The tragedy Sara and Baber is a lot like a string that was stretched enough, it broke. When Baber goes ahead and begins his ‘extra…