Shaniera Akram

Shaniera Akram has an important message for you!

Philanthropist and activist Shaniera Akram is known for her efforts for humanity and advocacy for gender equality. She has been vocal on various social issues time and again and has a strong stance against terrorism of all kinds.

Related: Times Shaniera Akram proved to be our perfect Bhaabi

Legendary cricketer Wasim Akram’s better half has expressed her love for Pakistan in different ways abundant times and has tried to practically bring a change by pushing people to be more empathetic, altruistic and careful for a better tomorrow.


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Recently, she took to Instagram to show the world how crucial it is to wear a seatbelt while driving. She posted a photo with her daughter Aiyla, sitting in a car wearing seatbelts. She wrote, “Their lives are precious. They count on us to make life saving decisions for them. It takes ONE SECOND to put on a seatbelt. That ONE SECOND could save their life. Don’t make a mistake that you could end up regretting forever!”


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Their lives are precious. They count on us to make life saving decisions for them. It takes ONE SECOND to put on a seatbelt. That ONE SECOND could save their life. Don’t make a mistake that you could end up regretting forever! #SheThinksItsCoolToWearABeltCauseMommyDoes #UseASeatBelt #TheirLifeMatters #TeachThemEarly #ProtectYourChild #LeadingCauseOfDeathInPakistanIsOnOurRoads #StartFromHome #SeatBeltsSaveLives

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This is not the first time Shaniera has talked about road safety. Last year, the philanthropist uploaded a photo of a smashed car in the midst of a busy Karachi street and captioned it with, ” This is the reason you should never ever have children in a car without a seat belt especially in the front seat! No matter what car your driving, how slow you are driving or where you are going, it is your responsibility to make sure your kids are protected.”


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More power to you Shaniera. We hope people will understand how these little steps can actually make their future a bit safer. What are your thoughts on the story? Have your say in the comments’ section below.