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Pardes has just crossed 100 Million views on YouTube!

Marina Khan’s impeccable direction and Sarwat Nazir’s powerful script have played a pivotal part in making Pardes, a beautifully woven, unique, and heartfelt story we all wanted to watch for a while, so much so that the drama has just crossed a whopping 100 Million views on YouTube. Pardes has been watched nearly 110 Million times on YouTube and the views are drastically increasing as you are reading this.

From Ahsan and Zubaida’s super adorable but sad love story to Aiman and Ebad’s challenging one, every second of each episode has truly been a treat to watch.

In the super-emotional and intriguing finale of Pardes, just when Aiman realized she could compromise for Ebad’s contentment and she regretted not being able to realize it earlier, she is astonished to see that Ebad had also realized that no matter how much you earn, family is the most important thing in anybody’s life and no luxury can replace it.

Pardes is mainly about families that have one or more members out of the country to earn a better livelihood but the drama touches upon a lot of other important issues in such a subtle way that people end up relating Pardes with their life.

The drama sheds light on the issues of both eras; the one of Zubaida and Ahsan as well as the one of Aiman and Ebad. It depicts how mothers-in-law have changed over the years.

Pardes also delineates the transformation of families and priorities. While Zubaida refused to give up and endured all the humiliation and pain, her daughter Aiman refused to be taken for granted or left alone.

What was your favorite moment from Pardes? Have your say in the comments’ section below.