
How will Haider take this new relationship with Amal?

Dunk grabbed all the attention of every viewer since the opening episode for all the right reasons. It started off with a protest against a professor, accused of harassing a female student.

Haider looked like the villain of the drama from the teasers, trailers, and initial episodes. He was arrogant with his classmates and his family alike and his character became even shadier when he went all the way to professor’s home to beat him in front of his wife and daughter.

However, watching the latest episodes, Dunk, as the name suggests, or ‘snakebite’, if we translate it, does not point in the direction of Haider apparently. Just like a snake awaits its prey to be inattentive for a fraction of a second to bite and kill, Amal chooses the right moment to tarnish all the respect and appreciation Professor Humayun had earned over the years, so much so that even his colleagues start to question him with an ocean of doubts in their eyes.

It all started when Haider sent some immoral video clips to a female teacher, Professor. Anjum, thinking the recipient was his friend Anjum. The professor had a chance to take a screenshot of the chat before Haider deleted all those videos. Professor Anjum shared the story with Professor Humayun and he decided to take the matter to the authorities of the university.

Related: Dunk starts with a power-packed first episode

This is when Amal comes to her cousin and fiance, Haider’s rescue. However, this would not have been possible without pushing Prof. Humayun into the dark ditch of dystopia. He gives his life because he thought he had lost the trust of his only daughter.

Soon after his sad demise and even sadder burial, just when everyone in Haider and Amal’s family was anticipating a few ceremonial wedding events, Haider looked distant. He was disappointed in the person he thought he loved, to a point where he literally declined to marry Amal, leaving the entire household in a state of shock.

Haider transforms Amal’s shock into apparent guilt by telling her that he knows the truth about Prof. Humayun’s case. He leaves the house after his father instructs him to do so, only to be back when Amal says she will marry Safeer only if Haider will be brought back to the house.

After the cliffhanger eleventh episode, the teaser for the twelfth episode is equally engaging; it delineates Amal finally living with Safeer while on the other hand, Haider looks shocked and despaired about the development. Also, he tries to go to apologize to Prof. Humayun’s family. Moreover, Amal has withdrawn the case against Prof. Humayun.

Why do you think Haider has not yet uncovered the reality in front of his and Amal’s family? What do you think will happen next in Dunk? Have your say in the comments’ section below.