
Abeer’s world turns upside down in Baddua

The 23rd episode of Baddua has just premiered this Monday and it certainly turned the world upside down for Abeer. In the conflict between his own eyes and Abeer’s words, Junaid chooses his eyes, when he sees her with a guy at a restaurant, sipping mocktails.

He brings her back home, accuses her of killing the child, and without listening to anything she was saying, he divorces her.

Unable to reunite with her family, she visits Mohsin’s mother to blame her for ruining her life and subsequently calls Omair for help. Omair comes to the rescue and takes her home. Little does she know he is the friend of the brother of her sister’s fiance.

How did this all happen?

Abeer is a charming girl who befriends boys every now and then but her father Mudassir is a strict man who will never allow his daughter’s such actions.

Mohsin loves Abeer and he rejects his cousin for her but she humiliates him in front of her family and his mother. He decides to end his life after the rejection. Mohsin’s mother execrates and curses Abeer following the demise of her young and bright son, and gives her ‘Baddua’.

Coming to the reason Abeer rejected Mohsin: Neelum and Abeer are friends and the former gets engaged with Junaid. Just because Abeer could not attend the engagement due to her strict family, Neelum decides to call Junaid to a restaurant so that he could meet Abeer. As soon as Abeer looks at him for the first time, she makes sure to leave no stone unturned in marrying him.

She takes Junaid’s number secretly from Neelum’s phone, talks to him anonymously, and then calls him to a cafe. Instead of asking her to stop immediately, Junaid also starts flirting with her.

However, Neelum sees them sitting in a cafe and makes sure to take a bunch of photos so she is not deemed a liar. Firstly, she goes to Abeer’s house to unveil her actions in front of her family and then goes to her own place to end things with Junaid.

Related: Camera closes for Baddua, Muneeb Butt shares an adorable video

After coming to know of the truth, Abeer’s father, who was earlier ambiguous about her involvement with Mohsin, now knows she must have had an affair with him too. He gets extremely angry at her but later walks out of the room because of his mother.

However, in a turn of events, she gets married to Junaid but he then comes to know of the truth through Mohsin’s mother. He plans to leave her earlier but due to the child, he could not.

Poetic Justice Served?

Neelam sees Abeer and Junaid sitting in a cafe betraying her when she was friends with Abeer and was engaged to Junaid. Likewise, Junaid now sees Abeer with Omair in a cafe.

Because of Abeer, Mohsin gave his life, leaving his mother empty-handed. Similarly, Abeer loses her child along with her husband.

What do you think will Abeer do now? Have your say in the comments’ section below.