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Pardes–an epitome of beautiful script, impeccable direction and flawless acting

Marina Khan’s impeccable direction and Sarwat Nazir’s powerful script play a pivotal part in making Pardes, a beautifully woven, unique, and heartfelt story we all wanted to watch for a while. From Ahsan and Zubaida’s super adorable but sad love story to Aiman and Ebad’s challenging one, every second of each episode has truly been a treat to watch.

Pardes is mainly about families that have one or more members out of the country to earn a better livelihood but the drama touches upon a lot of other important issues in such a subtle way that people end up relating Pardes with their life.

The drama sheds light on the issues of both eras; the one of Zubaida and Ahsan as well as the one of Aiman and Ebad. It depicts how mothers-in-law have changed over the years.

Ahsan’s mother was obsessed with a better status so she forced Ahsan to go abroad, leaving his wife and his daughter. He could not even get a chance to be with his wife when she needed him the most, at the birth of their son. His mother and brother also falsely accused Zubaida of having an affair with her cousin in Ahsan’s absence. Moreover, his brother deceitfully took away all his wealth and possessions, leaving him nothing for his treatment even.

However, Ebad’s mother wanted to see him successful and to get her out of the misery she was in, at the hands of her stepchildren. Although it was a tough and abrupt decision, she still agreed for Aiman as her daughter-in-law because of Ebad’s happiness. Moreover, while he was away, she took good care of Aiman. Ebad’s half-brother used to hate him and his mother but he eventually started taking care of the mother, also asked Ebad to concentrate on his work without worrying about home because he will take care of the family.

In the latest episode, Ebad grabs the opportunity and returns home just when Aiman was about to have the baby. He tells Aiman another company has offered him a job and he wants to pursue it. But back at home, Aiman finds herself helpless without Ebad. She thinks her child will get spoilt just like her brother did while Ahsan was away. She even gives Ebad an ultimatum, asking him for a divorce if he does not plan on coming back.

Pardes also delineates the transformation of families and priorities. While Zubaida refused to give up and endured all the humiliation and pain, her daughter Aiman refused to be taken for granted or left alone.

How do you think will Pardes end? Have your say in the comments’ section below.