
Misha loved Asfand so much so that she uttered ‘Asfi’ right before leaving forever | Jalan

Apart from its exceptional television viewership, every episode of Jalan instantly garners millions of views on YouTube. It is mainly due to the presence of exceptionally talented actors in the ensemble cast and an immensely captivating storyline right from the start.

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Jalan starts with Asfandyar falling in love with Misha at first sight, so much so that he convinces his sister to ask for her hand immediately. After the consultation, Misha’s parents accept Asfandyar’s proposal for her.

In a parallel universe, Ahmer and Nisha are not only cousins, but they also love each other. Despite her daughter’s grievances, Ahmer’s mother decides to take her son’s relation to the next level with his engagement.

Albeit being sisters, both Misha and Nisha have contrary natures. Misha is always so polite, welcoming, and empathetic, but her younger sister, Nisha is selfish, greedy, and outspoken. When Ahmer brings her flowers, apologizing if they were soggy, she replied had he brought expensive flowers, they would not have dulled, insulting his good intention and love. She also grabs the dress Misha had ordered saying it looks good on her, leaving Misha with the dress she had not even ordered.

But that’s not all; Nisha gets so furious and jealous of Asfandyar’s proposal for Misha that she asks her parents to cancel the wedding. She misbehaves with her mother in front of the guests and snatches Misha’s phone while she was talking to Asfandyar, telling him to call some other time. Later, she sarcastically apologizes from Asfandyar with a video message.

Related: Jalan is about how greed can take you to any extent

With the engagement ring in her hand and looking at her sister’s life, she wonders if Ahmer can provide her everything she has ever dreamt of. She instantly plans to call off her wedding with Ahmer and leaves no stone unturned in manipulating everyone in the family, including her parents and Misha to turn against Ahmer.

Heartbroken Ahmer tries to control his emotions but he could not. He gets furious when he sees Nisha with Asfandyar in a mall and questions their relationship. As a result, her father insults Ahmer’s sick mother and she passes away.

After getting Ahmer out of her way, Nisha’s next mission is to snatch away her sister’s most beloved asset; her husband. At first, Asfandyar is hostile towards Nisha but she manages to grab his attention and admiration, so much so that he starts neglecting Misha to a point where he leaves his sick wife home and chooses to go out with her sister.

Househelp’s stories and Nisha’s history of meanness give Misha a hint but she chooses not to bat an eye because she loves and trusts her loyal husband. Little does she know her own sister is her biggest enemy at that particular moment.

Read: Why does Nand always accumulate millions of views on YouTube?

On the other hand, Nisha’s mind is clear and she knows her goal or target per se. Albeit being caught by her father, she boldly comes to Asfandyar, asking him to divorce Misha and put a full stop to the hullaballoo.

Although Misha seems to be a very humble, polite, and easy-going girl, whose aim is to make her better half happy, she transforms into a strong and confident character when her household and family is threatened. She not only slaps Nisha a couple of times and throws her out of the house, but she also confronts her husband, deeming him equally guilty for the unlawful and unethical relationship.

Related: Jalan starts off with a fascinating episode

Nisha is being dragged but she stays rather composed and silent because deep down she knows she has hammered the final nail in the coffin. When Misha comes back after shutting the door upon her sister, Asfandyar confesses he does not love his pregnant wife anymore, but her sister, who has manipulated him.

Shattered Misha goes to her mother’s house but stubborn Nisha does not want to stop any time soon, so much so that she manipulates Asfand to not only fight with his sister and to give divorce to Misha, but also to completely ignore his newborn even when Misha brings him in front of him. At the top of it, she had the audacity to call Misha just before her Nikkah with Asfand, inviting her to come, but without the child.

Dismal Misha, out of frustration, anger, and heartbreak, did not even care about her child before taking the drastic step. Nisha, on the other hand, did not bat an eyelid after coming to know of the ordeal her elder sister had been going through.

Related: Nisha’s ‘Jalan’ leads her to ruin her sister’s home

When the police come to investigate the case, Asfand conveniently claims Misha was never sane and the wedding was itself a deception. Asfand and Nisha overlook the critical situation and fly to Europe for their honeymoon.

“Asfi” is the last word Misha utters before leaving the world forever. She leaves her child helpless in a world filled with people like Asfand and Nisha, who could go to any length for the sake of their comfort and contentment.

Everyone who blamed Ahmer for overreacting is now in a state of shock and disbelief, with Misha, failing to rectify everything she could. Ahmer was right about Nisha all along. It is because he loved her insanely and who would know a person better than the one who is deeply in love with them?

Nisha is again achieving what she had aimed for, but for how long? How do you think will Jalan unfold? Have your say in the comments’ section below.

ARY Digital never ceases to amaze its spectators by bringing pristine yet powerful storylines proving the right actors, script, and direction can literally do wonders. ARY Digital’s latest drama, Jalan is surely an exemplar of flamboyant actors combined with a moving story, making it an absolute hit amid viewers in Pakistan and abroad.